PL-2.3 Diabetes and the kidneys
Monday November 30, 2020 from 14:05 to 14:35
Remote presentation

Jean-François Yale, Canada

Professor of Endocrinology


McGill University


Download the Presentation as a PDF

We will review the clinical trials that established the ability of various therapeutic approaches to prevent diabetic kidney disease, propose a practical therapeutic strategy to protect the diabetic kidneys, and provide tools to help the clinician adjust the antihyperglycemic agents to the eGFR.


At the end of this presentation, the participant will be able to :

  • Describe the randomized double-blind clinical trials that showed that the progression of diabetic kidney disease could be delayed
  • Screen for diabetic kidney disease
  • Establish a treatment plan to protect the kidneys in presence of diabetes
  • Adjust the antihyperglycemic therapy to the eGFR 



Lectures by Jean-François Yale

When Session Talk Title Room
13:00 - 15:05
Plenary - 2 Diabetes and the kidneys Remote presentation
15:20 - 16:20
Interactive type 2 diabetes cases - Jean-François Yale Interactive type 2 diabetes cases Remote presentation

© 2025 McGill Family Physician Refresher Course