Paul Le Guerrier, Canada

Secteur PCMI
Montreal Public Health Department

Graduated as a family med doctor. worked in a clinic in old Montreal until 1994. Discovered public health and loved it so much that he did a master's in public health and started working full-time at the Montreal Public Health Department (MPHD) in 1994. His main interests are reportable diseases and outbreak investigations, emerging infectious diseases (such as Ebola, hantavirus, pandemic influenza, and bioterrorism), emergency measures, the prevention of rabies. He is also a clinical professor at l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal and teaches a master level 3 credit course. He also isresponsiblee for a one month introductory elective in public health infectious diseases. he also teaches the management of infectious diseases issues to University of Montreal students. Finally, he is also responsable for coordinating the Professional medical continuing education at the MPHD. He is currently spending 90 % of his time on COVID-19 in the scientific advisory team and as the coordinator of the MPHD COVID-19 working group.

Lectures by Paul Le Guerrier

When Session Talk Title Room
08:30 - 10:35
Plenary — Plenary - 3 Panel discussion: From public health to practice

© 2025 McGill Family Physician Refresher Course