Theodore Wein, Canada

Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery
McGill University

Dr. Theodore Wein is an assistant professor of neurology and neurosurgery at McGill University. He currently works at the Montreal General Hospital Stroke Prevention Clinic as well as St. Mary's Hospital. Dr. Wein obtained his MD degree at the University Of Vermont College Of Medicine and completed his residency in neurology at McGill University. He subsequently completed a  fellowship in cerebrovascular disease at the University of Texas – Houston as well as a neuromuscular fellowship in the department of neurology and physical medicine at the University of Michigan. In addition to active interest in acute stroke care as well secondary stroke prevention, Dr. Wein is actively involved in post stroke rehabilitation. Dr. Wein is the current chair of the Canadian stroke prevention guidelines (Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recomendations) and is also a member of the CHEP guidelines committee..  He is the past chairman of the spasticity section of the Canadian Botulinum Toxin Conference and is on the steering committee of several ongoing trials looking at the effectivess of Botulinum toxin on spasticity and was prinicipal investigator of the REFLEX trial.  In 2017 Dr. Wein was awarded the " Couer du Quebec" award by the Quebec Heart and Stroke Foundation. Dr. Wein is a fellow of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and serves on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Stroke Consortium where he chairs the policy and advocacy committee as well as the steering committee of the Quebec Heart and Stroke Foundation annual Sommet pour vaincre L'AVC/.. Dr. Wein is the Chair of the American Heart Association International Stroke Conference pre-symposium looking at stroke in the real world , trying to bring the latest advances in stroke research to standard clinical practice.

Lectures by Theodore Wein

When Session Talk Title Room
08:30 - 10:35
Plenary — Plenary - 1 Post CVA management
11:00 - 12:00
Workshop — Headache management - Theodore Wein Headache management

© 2025 McGill Family Physician Refresher Course